Helping you build and design better websites

What is this website and why should you care?

Usable Efficiency & Web Payload videos

I’m a web designer based in Scotland

When I browsed my first website, in 1996, I was amazed by it all

How the heck could this data travel around the world to the computer I was on in a few seconds?? It still is incredible… more than 20 years later!

If I asked you what difference by changing words on a web page could make…

What would you say?

A few % points…

[That’s what I would have that]

Early on i realised that words could have a massive difference in the success of a website & business online

I had heard that by changing just* a few words you could double a business…

I thought that was the biggest load of baloney I’d ever heard!

Double a business, with changing a few words?!?

Nonsense I proclaimed!

I had to look into this further…

In the classic book Tested Advertising Methods, the author John Caples wrote that with different copy (words) he had a 19 and a half times better result in a campaign

Astonishing! Whilst a 19 and half times better result is certainly on the high side, today in 2019, doubling a business with an online presence is certainly possible

That’s what MovingThatNeedle is … I’m going to teach you everything I know about making improvements in websites

There will be a no holds barred

If this sounds interesting please stick around!

The name Moving That Needle?

It means helping you make more profit from your business and particularly from your or your clients website

I hope you can follow along!

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